Wednesday, May 6, 2009

April 14

$300,000.00 Recovery for Negligent Security at Hotel

Daily Business Review

Miami-Dade Circuit Court

$300,000.00 awarded to woman assaulted at hotel

CASE: Inna Budnytska vs. 10 Le June Road, Inc., Airport Regency Hotel, Airport Regency Management, Inc., and
Interports Security Service, Inc.

COURT: Miami-Dade Circuit Court

JUDGE: Scott Silverman

PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEY(S): David W. Lipcon and Mitchell J. Lipcon of Lipcon & Lipcon, PA.

Ms. Budnytska, a native of the Ukraine, was working aboard the Norwegian Dawn, an NCL ship, when she injured her hand. As part of a claim for maintenance and cure, she was sent to Miami for medical treatment. She was housed at the Airport Regency Hotel. Approximately four (4) months after she checked into the hotel, she was attacked, in her room, and assaulted. A claim was made by her attorneys, against the hotel for negligent security. In addition, the security company for the hotel was brought into the suit.

Ms. Budnytska sustained an open wound to her right eye, multiple orbital fractures, facial lacerations and post traumatic stress disorder. She was treated, initially, for her injuries at the Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital.

It was alleged in the law suit that the hotel failed to provide a safe place for their guests, failed to perform an adequate security analysis, failed to have adequate monitoring of their security cameras and negligently allowed an un registered guest to have access to hotel room floors.

RESULT: The case was settled after mediation for $300,000.00.

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